Librarian's Message: It is a great pleasure to welcome readers to the gateway of knowledge.A library is said to be the heart of an institution and here we are happy to help, who are eager to update their knowledge. The library has a good collection of documents on various subjects, e-resources as well as competitive books to cater the needs of budding scholars. Your comfort is ensured to make you feel at ease in your learning environment. We make sure the best utilization of time spend in the library.
Keep visiting your door to quality time!!
Google will bring you back, a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back with the right one.
--Neil Galman
Govt. Degree College Vijaypur, established in the year 2019 and so is its library. The college library has a cordial atmosphere and it provides an easy way to find your way around. The prime purpose of the college library is to have adequate resources to meet information needs of its users. The library holds a collection of around 5000 books in these three years which is five times the number of students and library is still under growing curve.
Every year, upto one thousand books are newly added as per requirements of the institution. The College Library is highly enriched with the quality collection. It is well organized and systematized to ensure the satisfaction of information needs of not only the students but also the faculty of the institution.
Library staff
- Ms. Disha Arti- Librarian
College Library Committee
- Dr Shittal Sharma Convenor
- Prof. Anil Bhagat Member
- Dr Naseem Chowdhary Member
- Ms Disha Arti Member
- Mr. Vikas Malmotra Member
Library Rules
- Students are allowed to enter library only with their Library cards and in proper uniform.
- One must sign in/out in the visitor's register (students as well as staff).
- Personal belongings to be placed aside in the racks.
- No food or drinks are allowed inside the library.
- Cell phones to be kept silent or in vibration mode.
- Work quietly- (study groups should keep their voices low).
- Librarian is always available in case of any help or queries.
- Books should be placed back to their proper places.
- Issuance of library books is limited to two books at a time to students for a maximum of ten days.
- Newspapers and magazines must be read only in the library and should not be taken to any other areas.
- Journals/Reference Books will not be issued from the library.
- Books should be handled with care. Marking on the books, folding or tearing pages etc are most objectionable and may lead to stringent disciplinary action and fine on the member.
- Return of books is mandatory before the due date. A fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be levied for overdue books.
- Borrower of the books will be responsible for material issued to him/her until it is returned.
- The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
- The library card is not transferable and its loss must immediately be reported to the library. A new card will only be issued with the Principal's permission and with a payment of fine Rs 100/-.
- Be respectful and leave the library in order.
- Users should obey the library rules and regulations.
- Violation of rules and any act of misbehaviour to the library staff will lead to strong disciplinary action.
- Library Facilities Reading Area Comfortable with Enough space. Collection 5000approx. (Yearly addition 800-1000 books) Circulation In College hours.
- User Orientation and Awareness Yes
- Browsing centre Yes
- Access to various e-resources Browsing centre, NDL, e-gyankosh, Google Scholar, open access e-journals, e-books, Encyclopaedias, project Guttenberg, etc. Reference Books All reference collections like encyclopaedias, yearbooks, Atlas, career counselling books, Dictionaries, Competitive books, etc.
- Newspapers and Magazines Daily and Periodically Internet Facility Yes New Arrival Display Service Yes Current Awareness Service Yes Reference Service Ready Reference Service Self-help books Yes